APRILSKIN Calendula Peel Off Pack Review

Hellooo, it’s been long since I updated this blog post. I’m back with yet another review; the famous APRILSKIN Calendula Peel Off Pack. I’ve seen lots and lots of advertisement about this brand all over my facebook and instagram and decided to buy one set of this to try as I’m very easily persuaded by the ads ๐Ÿคฃ


APRILSKIN is a Korean cosmetic and skincare brand that was found in 2014. They focuses on having healthy skin using natural derived ingredients.

What are the ingredients in this Calendula Peel Off Pack?

This Peel off Pack contains 2,000ppm of an original calendula flower to soothe skin. Main ingredients: Calendula Flower Extract, Calendula Flower Oil, Flower Complex
(Lavender Extract, Borago Officinalis Extract, Centaurea Cyanus Flower Extract, Chamonmilla Recutita Flower Leaf Extract)

So, how do I use this?

1. Cleanse your face thoroughly

2. Dry with a cotton pad

3. Apply a generous, even layer of the gel like substance all over your face (careful not to put near your brows)

4. Let dry and wait 30 minutes

5. Peel of the mask and continue with the rest of your skincare routine

I’ve used this peel off pack for twice already and have seen a significant improvement on my skin as it gets softer and smoother after every application. And also, due to Singapore’s weather, most of us ladies will have extra sebum which always results in visible and enlarged pores. My pores had improved significantly after each application of the peel off pack too. Also, personally, I’ll like to advise yall to do this in the evening just right before your skin care routine!

I hope you like this short review and wished that you can quickly get this really really great peel off pack!

You can check the APRILSKIN website https://aprilskin.com.sg/

Thank you for staying on to read the whole blogpost โค๏ธ

Till the next, see ya!

xo rachel

Secret Garden by Lafre Pad Review

Hi guys! I’m back with yet another review. I’m guessing most of my readers are females therefore at any one point of time, we all have to use pads right? Recently I chanced upon this pad and I must say it is by far the best pad I ever tried ๐Ÿ‘ 

Lafre Secret Garden Sanitary Napkin

Still finding your Right One โ“ Having Sensitive, Irritation, Abrasion, Leakage Problemsโ“ — Lafre Sanitary Napkin would be your solution, having Elegance from Within — Why use Lafre Sanitary Napkinโ“

โšœ Excellent fluid absorption & retention, prevents leakage (SAP from Japan)
โšœ Ultra-soft pure cotton surface
โšœ No Chemical Processes
โšœ Embedded with a Far Infrared Nanosilver Anion chip (-ve ions)
โšœ Eliminate Odour maintain Freshness
โšœ Ultra-thin 1mm with Absolute Dryness & Comfort
โšœ Breathable membrane base for ventilation โšœ Elegantly designed resealable packaging โšœ ISO9001 and International SGS Quality Assurance

๐ŸŽ€ Lafre Secret Garden Premium Box Set – 55pcs

๐Ÿ”…Day Use : 24.5cm – 10pcs x 2 (20pcs)
๐Ÿ’คNight Use : 29.0cm – 5pcs x 2 (10pcs)
ใ€ฐExtra Long : 33.5cm – 5pcs x 1 ( 5pcs)
๐Ÿ‘™Panty Liner : 15.5cm – 20pcs x 1 (20pcs

Brand: Secret Garden by Lafre Pad
Design: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†
Absorbency: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†
Leakage Protection: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†
Comfort: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…

Contact details:
FB: Germaine Wang
IG: @germaine_wyt
Carousell: @germaine_wyt
Whatsapp: +65 9656 6356

Also, GOOD NEWS PEOPLE!!! Quote <rachxlafre> for free delivery if getting 2 boxes or more! So what are you waiting for??? Quickly get one box to try now!

Thank you for staying on to read the whole blogpost โค๏ธ

Till the next, see ya!

xo rachel

St Ives Coffee and Coconut Scrub Review

Hi guys! Sorry it’s been soooo long omg. I finally had a break from work so getting right into blogging and doing reviews in the mean time…

So today, I’ll be introducing you guys to this facial scrub. Pretty sure yall have heard of St Ives Facial Scrub before. Recently i just bought this coffee and coconut scrub to deeply exfoliate my face and my god once I opened it, it smells so divine and delicious!!! After using it, my face feels soooo smooth and I must say, supple ๐Ÿคฃ

Attached below are information I found on their website! Check their website for more details on the product

This coffee and coconut facial scrub, energize dull, tired skin with the smell of fresh coffee and deeply exfoliating 100% natural walnut shell powder in this face scrub. Winner of Americaโ€™s #NextTopScrub!ย 

About the Brand

St. Ives has spent more than 30 years exploring the skin care benefits of ingredients from nature. We use dozens of ingredients, from apricot to oatmeal โ€“ and we can help every type of skin look and feel fresher and younger. Founded over 25 years ago, the St Ives brand set out to create a quality line of skin care products inspired by nature. Since then St. Ives has been dedicated to bringing you the best of nature with formulas that delight the senses and leave your skin with a soft, fresh feel. We understand that the little everyday choices we make help to better your life. That’s why St. Ives is a formulator of quality products. Today St Ives products have a presence globally in over 100 countries, and women all over the world love its flagship product – our Apricot Scrub. In the UK, as in many other countries, St Ives Scrubs are the No. 1 Scrub brand.

All St Ives’s face scrubs are paraben free, oil free and dermatologist tested, which is great for people with sensitive skin like me. As of December 2018, St Ives also announced that they are officially PETA-Certified Cruelty-Freeย  across their entire product portfolio. Yayyy to not testing on animals hehe!

Instructions on how to use it:

1. Squeeze a dime sized amount of Energizing Coconut & Coffee Face Scrub onto your fingertips and massage onto damp skin.

2. Spread in small circular motions, applying gentle pressure to wake your skinโ€™s natural circulation.

3. Work all over, right up to your hairline and onto the sides of your nose.

4. When youโ€™re done, rinse and pat dry with a clean towel.

5. Use 3 to 4 times a week (depending on skin) for best results.

Brand:ย St Ives
Product: Energizing Coffee and Coconut Face Scrub
Packaging:ย โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜… (good to keep in the shower rack)
Effectiveness:ย โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†
Overall Rating: 4/5 (will definitely recommend people to buy them just because it smells sooo good HAH kidding, it really helped to exfoliate my face)

Have you tried any of St Ives’s scrubs? If so, share your experience in the comments below!

Thank you for staying on to read the whole blogpost โค๏ธ

Till the next, see ya!

xo rachel

Life Update.

Hello everybody! I’m so sorry this blogpost took so long to get up as I was really held up with piles & piles of work ๐Ÿ˜ญ.

I’ll be furthering my studies in the ECH line and have been settling the course previews, orientations and etc therefore it was part of the reason I was not updating and blogging as often.

Also, if you haven’t been following my instagram/ twitter, you won’t know that I got propose to the loveliest of my life on Christmas eve, 24th Dec 2018. (while you’re at it: https://www.instagram.com/rachelwongst). We decided to settle down, get married and move into our new house by end of 2020, which makes me even busier as we have to settle our housing and wedding both at the same time. On top of that, I’m also studying part time while having a full time job. So if I don’t blog as much, I would like to apologise in advance. Of course, I’ll juggle all of them properly so I can find time to blog again.

Thank you for staying on to read the whole blogpost โค๏ธ

Till the next, see ya!

xo rachel

MKUP Real Complexion Cream Review

Yayyy it’s the first blogpost of 2019. I finally decided to move my lazy ass to start reviewing the MKUP Real Complexion Cream. After receiving this gift for my 21st birthday, which was approximately 3-4 months ago, I decided to finally try this product out as my face was getting drier these days ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Just look at the bottle tho, so cute, so rosy and pinkish HAHA. Also, it smells very good like kinda powedery.

So, I went ahead to apply one pump of cream onto my whole face and went to bed. And OHMYGOD, the next morning, I was shocked to see that even some of the red marks on my face was not as red and swollen as before. And, my face still feels super soft, smooth and supple? Woah guys, I’m totally shooked.

Brand:ย MKUP
Product: Real Complexion Cream
Packaging:ย โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…
Effectiveness:ย โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†
Long-lastingness: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†
Overall Rating: 4/5

Holddd uppp, let me just show you the video from MKUP:

I also found these very useful pictures on the MKUP website itself. Do check them out ya!

English storyboard 11

English storyboard 12

English storyboard 13

English storyboard 14

English storyboard 15

You can check more on their website too!, I’ll have it link below. You’ll also be able to purchase it. I’ll link down the different online shopping platforms such as Shopee and etc. (I know I’m a good blogger, thank you ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜…)

Through MKUP website:ย https://www.mkup.sg/products/realcomplexioncream-30ml

Through Shopee Singapore: https://shopee.sg/MKUP%C2%AE-Real-Complexion-Cream-30ml-i.3529199.114946267

Through Lazada Singapore: https://www.lazada.sg/products/mkup-real-complexion-cream-30ml-i237184257-s363326288.html?spm=a2o42.searchlist.list.3.713b7334P89UtM&search=1

Through Ezbuy Singapore: https://ezbuy.sg/product/19899213.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiA37HhBRC8ARIsAPWoO0x2Q4MWarWKe3Uk5vkZ2HTv1SQHiLgK50IGltfPGvFZBlIzyZl0z5AaAjTrEALw_wcB

Through Q0010 Singapore: https://www.qoo10.sg/item/MKUP-REAL-COMPLEXION-CREAM-30ML/528682168?banner_no=1305330

Please also note that the different links are links to purchase the 30ml of MKUP Real Complexion Cream. They also come in different sizes like 10ml, 30ml and even 50ml so yall can just purchase whichever you think is more suitable for you!

I hope you like this short review and wished that you can quickly get this really really GREATTT cream!

Thank you for staying on to read the whole blogpostย โค๏ธ

Till the next, see ya!

xo rachel




Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

2019 loading gold

I canโ€™t quite believe that 2018 is coming to an end and weโ€™re preparing to say hello to 2019! What a year 2018 has been for me. While I had many wonderful experiences, it didn’t come without it’s challenges. But I’m grateful to be happy, healthy and surrounded with the people I love. Iโ€™m grateful for all the memories made in 2018 and excited about where Iโ€™m going next year. I also can’t wait to jump into 2019 on a positive note.

Looking back at myself exactly one year ago, I couldnโ€™t have imagined where I am now. I have changed in the year of 2018, which is a good thing as it means that Iโ€™ve grown. Iโ€™ve learned that itโ€™s okay to not be doing what everyone else is doing, but instead focus more on myself.

Also, the most memorable experience that I want to highlight, was that I turn 21 this year. I had quite a celebration in a chalet and I invited my whole BIG family, lots of my secondary school friends and work colleagues. I received so many presents that I absolutely loved โค๏ธ

Of course, there are lots of other memorable events, but I would rather keep them private.

I also would like to take this chance to thank all of you all who have been following and reading each and every post that I’ve uploaded. You have all been wonderful and this blog wouldnโ€™t be anything without each and every one of you. I hope that you have enjoyed reading my posts. If there is anything that I donโ€™t currently blog about and you would love to see on here, I am open to suggestions.

In 2019, I hope to live BIG. As I we only have one life, ONE LIFE, chase your dreams. That little voice inside you isnโ€™t so little at all. Take the leap and let your light shine! Donโ€™t let anyone or anything diminish your spirit. Also, donโ€™t forget to have fun and laugh as much as possible. Weโ€™re all losing our shit and some just hide it better than others. But, fear not, just because weโ€™re losing our shit, it doesnโ€™t mean that we canโ€™t accomplish big things, because we can and we will. Just remember that you have one life, so.., live it big!

Another goal of 2019, I hope the coming year brings good health. Not just with my family, loved ones and I, but with the whole world.

I am sure, like many years, next year will be full of ups and downs and everything in between. There are so many things to look forward to for the world ย and in your life. I am looking forward to all it will bring and hope that it makes me a better person. I hope everyone is comfortable with the amount of happiness in their life, and if they aren’t, I hope they find it soon.

2019 will be a great year for all of us! ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰

Thank you for staying on to read the whole blogpostย โค๏ธ

Till the next, see ya!

xo rachel

A letter to my future self

Dear Rachel,

Okay, it’s really weird to think that you are me and I am you living in some other house or maybe even in some other country. It’s weird to think that you live a different life compared to mine and I hope you are happy. It’s weird to think how you are dreaming and wishing like me, but probably for different things. It’s weird how you’re all grown up while I’m just me.ย 

How are you? I hope you’re well.ย Did I get into the course that I applied for? Did everything work out like what I had planned? Am I happy? Am I still working towards the same dream of becoming a senior and experienced teacher?

I hope by now you have realized that everything is always going to be alright. I hope by now you have realized that you are going to be okay. I hope by now you have realized that you can do anything you want, you are going to set goals and each and every one that you set you are going to achieve. I hope by now you realized that no matter how much youโ€™ve gone through in your life and how strong youโ€™ve become as a result, you are not a burden when you ask for help. You are going to marry the man of your dreams, you are going to create a life together and create a wonderful family together. I hope by now you have realized how important it is to love yourself and accept yourself just the way you are because there’s nothing better than self-love and acceptance. You should be proud of yourself, years ago you never would have thought you’d make it as far as you have and you have every reason to be proud of yourself. I hope you realize by now how strong and how amazing you are.ย 

This year, I’m 21 years old (as of Dec 12 2018). I’ve been in the Early Childhood line for about 3 years and hope to continue teaching and inspiring those young & little ones.ย  I’ve recently just applied to another ECH course as I wanna upgrade myself so that I can have more market value when looking for jobs in the future.ย 
To many many more years of being a teacher๐Ÿป.

Future Self, know that some days will be difficult. The world will keep changing; you have to be strong enough to overcome every challenge in your life. Everything is possible, you just need to encourage yourself. Don’t be afraid of failures. Learn from the mistakes, be confident of yourself, keep trying and never give up. Just keep in mind that you are strong enough to carry yourself though everything.ย 
Spend time with people who makes you happy. Donโ€™t waste time on negative people that will only bring you down, you donโ€™t need them in your life.ย 

Iโ€™m happy and contented that I have lots of great people in my life. It seems that the older I get, I get contented more easily.

I hope that when I come back to read this letter in a couple years later, I’ll be even happier.

I love you, I’m thankful for you and I’m proud of you.ย 

xo rachel

(Your Dec 2018 Self)

“We need to talk”

The other day, I was scrolling facebook and chanced upon this post and it’s too true and too good not be shared. So why not blog about it too?

*of course, credits to it’s rightful owner*

“We need to talk” he texted his wife.

She wondered what was wrong, men rarely use that “We need to talk” line.
“Is everything alright?” she asked.
“Let’s talk when we get home” he texted back.
“You’re scaring me” she replied.
“Is there something you should be scared of?” he texted her.
She called his phone, he didn’t pick up.

She got home after work, anxious.
She stretched her hand to open the door, the door opened before her. Her husband opened the door.
She looked at him dressed in linen, wearing his smile.
Soft music was playing, the house was warm, it felt pregnant with romance.ย 

“Hi love, welcome home” he said as he kissed her lips.
She stood there at the door surprised.
He took her handbag and placed it on the seat.
He closed the door behind her, knelt down to help her remove her heels.
All she could do was smile.
Something about a woman being served brightens up her face no matter how busy her day has been.
He gently placed her heels next to the door.
He removed her coat, placed it on the sofa, he unbuttoned her blouse.

“The kids!?” she said.
“The kids are at their grandma. Sleeping over at my mom’s”
He took her hand and led her to the sofa.
He made her recline on the sofa.
He placed a towel that stood at the table on his lap, placed her feet on his lap, took a warm towel that was in a basin next to the sofa and wiped her feet.
She looked at him giggling covering her face.

“I love you” he said.
She felt those three words go through her entire body.
“I love you too” she said smiling.

“You said we need to talk?” she asked.
“Yes, tell me how your day has been, how is your heart, how are you?” he asked.
“You mean there is nothing wrong?” she asked.
“No, everything is right. You are the right woman for me. I just wanted to talk with my wife. I miss you, I really miss you. Even though we sleep on the same bed, it feels like we don’t really talk” he replied.

A message came on her phone that she was holding, a Facebook message alert.
He took her phone and threw it on the next sofa.
He said, “Today my love, no Facebook, no TV, no children, no cooking”
“No cooking?” she asked.
“Yes, I ordered take away. It’s in the kitchen” he answered.
“Wow! You had this all figured out?” she asked.
“Darling, I strategize at work to get profits, surely, I can strategize to please my wife” he said.

She relaxed on the sofa.
“Your hairline is receding” she said.
He looked at her.
“You mean married life has been so busy I haven’t had time to look at your face in such a long time; I mean really look at your face. You are quite a handsome man” she said.
“You know how to pick them huh? You got taste in men” he teased her.

She paused and looked at the man she loves as he rubbed her feet.
She told him how her day has been, they shared thoughts, they laughed, they reminisced, she opened up about a painful part in her life and teared up, he opened up about his frustrations as a man…they prayed.

Some things about your spouse you will never know until you two create ample time to talk. He served her dinner, they ate remembering their dating season, there was a spark in their eyes, they went to shower together, washing each other’s body, he saw the spot where she burnt her skin while cooking three weeks ago and kissed that spot.

They turned off the music and the lights, they got to bed and had an intimate pillow talk. There they told each other how much they love each other. They cuddled, their toes danced together. He talked to her until she fell asleep. He kissed her forehead, watched her sleep then he rested too. No making love because all he had done was not some sweet acts to get sex but because he wanted to connect with her much deeper. So many women feel that a man only puts his best effort when he wants sex.

In the morning, there was a glow about her. She looked like a loved up woman. He had missed watering her heart with love, “I need to do this more” he thought to himself.

Maybe all your marriage/relationship needs is for you two to talk; not sex, not arguments, not complains, just talk!

– Marraige Is Beautiful

Related image


“A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other”


May we keep loving our spouseย โค๏ธ


Thank you for staying on to read the whole blogpost

Till the next, see ya!

xo rachel


Things to do in Universal Studios Singapore


Recently I went USS with my family and just wanted to blog about it. I actually found the following useful information on the RWS website, soooo let’s get into it!

Universal Studios Singapore is Southeast Asiaโ€™s only Universal Studios theme park. It is 20 hectares which is the size 25-football fields combine. Woahย ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

Types of tickets and where to get them

Opening hours:ย 10am to 7pm daily, 8 Sentosa Gateway, 098269

One day tickets:ย ย Adult (13-59 years): $76, child (4-12 years): $56, senior citizen (60+): $38

Express add on (one time per attraction):ย $30 per person

Express add on (unlimited):ย $50 per person

Annual pass:ย Adult: $188, child: $158, senior citizen: $158

Annual pass with express:ย Adult: $288, child: $258, senior citizen: $258

Universal Express
Difference between Universal Express and Universal Express Unlimited 

When to visit

Any day of the year is a good time to come.

But if you want to avoid crowds, take note that the Park is busiest on the weekends and during the March, June, September and December school holidays.

How do I get to Universal Studios Singapore?

Universal Studios Singapore is part of Resorts World Sentosa.

The nearest MRT is HarbourFront Station. To head into the Resort, use Sentosa Express, RWS8 Bus or walk in via the Sentosa Boardwalk.

If youโ€™re coming by taxi, stop at the Casino. Take the escalators up and youโ€™ll be able to see the Universal Globe.

What to wear

Singaporeโ€™s weather is hot and humid. Itโ€™s best to wear light, breathable clothing.

Wear comfortable shoes because youโ€™ll be walking around a lot.

During rainy season from September to February, you might want to bring ponchos (or get them in the Park) for the occasional drizzle or shower.

Available amenities

  • Drinking water at water fountains around the park
  • Park attendants who will help you take photos
  • Stollers for rent (At the entrance and at Jurassic Outfitters in The Lost World)
  • Wheelchairs and motorised vehiclesย  (At the entrance only)
  • WiFi access

Can I re-enter the park?

Yes, you can leave Universal Studios Singapore in the middle of your visit.

Just Get a re-entry hand stamp on your way out and keep your entry ticket. With these, you can return to the Park on the same day.

*And adding to this point, we can save lots of money since the dining areas in USS itself is very very expensive*

You must be this tall to ride

Minimum height to ride for attractions at Universal Studios Singapore

Child swap

Parents with young toddlers need not despair โ€“ just remember to utilise the baby swap option at select rides.

The baby swap allows parents to take turns on rides that do not allow toddlers on them; while one watches the kid, the other takes the ride, making a swap after without having to join the queue from the start again.

Stroller rental and parking

Strollers (single and double), wheelchairs and motorised vehicles are available for rent.

Most restaurants and rides have special zones outside to park strollers.

Lockers in Universal Studios Singapore

There are paid lockers and free lockers in the Park. Hereโ€™sย a full list of free and chargeable lockers at Universal Studios Singapore.

Battlestar Galactica: HUMAN vs. CYLONย in Sci-Fi City andย Revenge of the Mummyย in Ancient Egypt require you to keep all your belongings in the locker.

Forย Jurassic Park Rapids Adventureย in the Lost World, we recommend storing belongings that shouldnโ€™t come in contact with water in lockers too.

You can check out the RWS website for more information if you want:ย http://www.rwsentosablog.com/universal-studios-singapore-guide/

With all these being said, have fun and have a great USS day!

*PS. The picture right above was taken by meย ๐Ÿ˜*

Thank you for staying on to read the whole blogpostย โค๏ธ

Till the next, see ya!

xo rachel



21 things I learnt in 21 years

As I just celebrated my 21st birthday, I decided to do this blogpost to summarize what I learnt or at least tried to, for the past 21 years. Not all of them are meaningful or it might even be important to you but they made me what I am today. Soooo, let’s get to it!

  1. Times are tough, but the support around you is even stronger.
  2. You can find happiness in the littlest of things. And you can find hatred in the broad scheme of the world. It’s all about perspective.
  3. Nothing tests relationships more than moving thousands of miles away.
  4. Rock bottom is never really the end. Itโ€™s all for a reason and it all leads to more.
  5. Itโ€™s perfectly OKAY to not be OKAY (or have life figured out). And itโ€™s even more OKAY to (shamelessly) ask for help.
  6. Family surpasses anything. Theyโ€™re your core to your well-being.
  7. Sometimes your faith is tested, but it doesnโ€™t mean you have to lose itโ€”you only have to hold on.
  8. Itโ€™s absolutely OKAY to say “no”. In fact, learn to say it more often. If youโ€™re not saying “hell yes”, itโ€™s probably not worth your time.
  9. Life is expensive, but experiences donโ€™t have to be.
  10. People rarely intentionally hurt you. Instead, understand that theyโ€™re going through pain themselves.
  11. Your success is never dependent on your job title, income, or zip code.
  12. Stress will deteriorate your health, but itโ€™s up to you to take control. Do one thing for yourself everyday.
  13. No amount of money can solve problems, contrary to how amazing that bag is.
  14. Sometimes the best thing to do is walk away, and thatโ€™s incredibly hard, but absolutely necessary.
  15. People who are meant to be a part of your life will make time for you. Thereโ€™s never an excuse for not being a friend or not being able to let them know youโ€™re there.
  16. Despite popular belief, family knows best. Find your comfort in those who look out for your best interest and love you at your worst.
  17. Never underestimate the power of a phone call, a quick text, or a funny GIF.
  18. Trust your intuition. If something doesnโ€™t feel right, it usually isnโ€™t.
  19. Take chances. Take risks. Youโ€™ll never have another time in life where youโ€™re able to make decisions with little strings attached. But, always be safe.
  20. Keep learning. Stay up-to-date on the news, read a book or learn something new. Just because youโ€™re out of school doesnโ€™t mean your mind should slow down.
  21. And finally, enjoy life and live in the moment. Worrying about the future doesnโ€™t solve any problem. Instead, youโ€™ll miss incredible opportunities that are right in front of you.


Thank you for staying on to read the whole blogpostย โค๏ธ

Till the next, see ya!

xo rachel