Life Update.

Hello everybody! I’m so sorry this blogpost took so long to get up as I was really held up with piles & piles of work 😭.

I’ll be furthering my studies in the ECH line and have been settling the course previews, orientations and etc therefore it was part of the reason I was not updating and blogging as often.

Also, if you haven’t been following my instagram/ twitter, you won’t know that I got propose to the loveliest of my life on Christmas eve, 24th Dec 2018. (while you’re at it: We decided to settle down, get married and move into our new house by end of 2020, which makes me even busier as we have to settle our housing and wedding both at the same time. On top of that, I’m also studying part time while having a full time job. So if I don’t blog as much, I would like to apologise in advance. Of course, I’ll juggle all of them properly so I can find time to blog again.

Thank you for staying on to read the whole blogpost ❀️

Till the next, see ya!

xo rachel

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