How to Adult

So, how do we actually adult? Does stop studying and going to work means you’re adulting already? You don’t just become an adult when you turn 18. Well, I collated quite a few important tips on how to actually adult. Read on if you’re interested 😊

Adulting is a process and it takes lots of trail and errors. The transition to adulthood can be a difficult time in a young person’s life. You want to laugh and joke with your friends like you used to. But now, you have responsibilities. Though different people have different needs and responsibilities.

1. Accept the challenge

Most of us would’ve heard from many adults tell us that our generation is very ungrateful and inmature. Though this transition has always been difficult for us humans, it is still very important to accept the challenge. Life isn’t always enjoyable but maturing proactively can make it a little easier.

2. Learn to respect your parents

Your parents and guardian are probably the most emotionallyΒ  and financially equipped people to offer help when you need it. You’ll have a lifelong bond that can be an incredible source of strength for everyone involved. You may have quarreled while you were growing up but its time to do the adult thing now and put your differences aside.

3. Make short and long term goals

Think about where you want tour life to be in 3, 5 or even 10 years down the road. This is important as it’ll give your life a sense of direction. They should be a smaller and more achievable goal that’ll make your life more enjoyable.

  • Long term goals involve personal relationships, being in an ideal career and etc. These should be something you strive for, so making a plan is good. However be aware that our plan will change so, be ready to roll with the punches.
  • Short term goals may simply be starting to eat healthily, losing weight or even getting a part time job in the next couple months while you explore career options.

4. Get a job

If you don’t go to college, university or poly immediately, we need to start building our personal wealth. It is a good idea to go ahead and get a part time job even as you search for something you would enjoy more. It is easy for job searches to drag on much longer than you intend and you can always quit a little part time job.

5. Ask for little or no allowance

Even though living expenses in today’s economy is pricey, we should limit how much we’re in debt both to banks and to our parents. Even though they may not expect you to pay them back, this ‘debt’ will linger in your subconscious. Start learning budgeting by limiting how financially dependent you are on your parents.

6. Start saving money

Putting part of your paycheck into your savings account is going to be useful down the road when you want to buy a car or house. The best way to save money is to keep track of all your income and expenditures. Give yourself a weekly budget for food and outings and stick to it.

7. Solve problems yourself

We make mistakes as a young adult- everyone does. The important part is to solve the problems ourselves with as little aid from our parents as possible. If you didn’t plan your budget well and are running out of money a month too early, try to find a way to solve the problem like considering getting a short term part time job or etc.

8. Be more self efficient

Too many young adults can’t perform basic household tasks. Fixing the toilet, whipping something to eat are basic tasks we should know how to do. Being handy at home also helps you avoid unnecessary repair expenses.

9. Take responsibilities for your actionsΒ 

Accept the consequences whether they are positive or negative. Apologize if you made a mistake but focus on not making that mistake again. Older adults will respect you for this.

10. Be gratefulΒ 

Be grateful for everything you have, including all the bads of your life you want to rip out, all of the challenges, struggles you faced. All of that you will through, like you got before. Be grateful for all the lessons you’ve learnt and how they have transformed you into a better person. Be grateful for all of your past relationships even if they can be challenging at times. Be grateful that you have choices. Be grateful that you can choose to be an adult.

Let’s adult together and make adulting easier and fun!Β πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

Cheers 🍻

Thank you for staying on to read the whole blogpost ❀️

Till the next post, see ya!
With much love,
