Hatter Street Bakehouse & Cafe @ Kovan


Address: 212 Hougang Street 21, #01-333, Singapore 530212

Opening hours: 1:00pm – 10:00pm, all day err day

Tel: +65 6988 4591

Link on the shop: http://www.hatterstreet.com/

Hatter Street Bakehouse & Cafe is a walking distance from Kovan MRT.

Ambience of this cafe was very cosy and comfortable, but both the inside and outside was very stuffy. The inside is decorated in an Alice in Wonderland theme. Just to take note, it has only an indoor sitting capacity of no more than thirty pax. So, choose the seats outside and ask them to on the fan for yall as it’s cooler there. Hatter Street sells mainly drinks, pastries and waffles.

We ordered the unicorn whoaffle, which costs a freaking $14.


Looks wise, seems pretty nice, but the portion is way too small…

We also ordered an earl grey lavender cake that costs $7


Same as before, the portion is way too small too.

Overall, personally I think that the cake flavours are unique as I don’t think I’ll be able to find it anywhere else. For the unicorn waffle, the waffle was very very crispy so plus point 😝. Ice cream flavours were white chocolate & lavender, both of which were too sweet for my family and I.

If you haven’t tried this cafe yet, you should go and try at least once. Of which I think you most probably will not go back again.

Will I return again? Sadly, while the flavours are very unique and everything tastes not too bad, I don’t have the strong urge to go back again.
Ratings time!!!

Rach Foodie Recommends says:
Taste bud: 1/3
Hole in the pocket: 2/3
Ambience: 2/3
Overall Experience: β˜…β˜…β˜†

Thank you for staying on to read the whole blogpost ❀

Till the next post, see ya!
With much love,


ps, do follow me on both insta and twitter @rachelwongst!!

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